Removing the bottom board
My lazy friend playing on the computer while I do all the work
The black knob screw came with the heater and the washer and L-bracket I purchased from Home Depot

Regulated low and high setting
Marking where to put the screws

Boba smoothie break! 

Screws are all put in!

Shelf now acts as new table top
Orion explores the interior :3

I am quite happy indeed :)

Kotatsu success!!
So I finally have my kotatsu!! This winter is going to be so awesome. But I still need to find a better blanket to put over it...I just picked a random one I had lying around and a cushion thing for the floor. Definitely still need to work on finding a better blanket, so my quest continues. Meanwhile, I can still enjoy every bit of my kotatsu's comfort!

Turns out I didn't need the adapter to plug the kotatsu in and, although there is a voltage difference, the heater still works fine. I was also pleasantly surprised to find that the heater regulates its temperature, turning off whenever it reaches the desired level of heat. A great energy saver!

Here's a video of my kotatsu in action:
I'll be posting more as I continue to find a better blanket, and the adventures my new kotatsu brings. Until next time, じゃあ、また!

Comments (4)

On October 24, 2013 at 1:11 PM , kpossibles said...

Thank you for writing this blog! I know this is like 2 years later, but I'm trying to make my own kotatsu right now~

On November 23, 2018 at 3:32 AM , Kabir khan said...

Thats realy amazing share. I was looking to setup my kotatsu table.
Best Kotatsu tables 2019

On April 25, 2019 at 4:48 AM , kdrama said...

There is a misconception that kotatsu Japanese Heated Table can only warm the upper part of the body as it is the only part which keeps under the table where the heat could easily go through the whole body

On May 16, 2019 at 11:16 PM , sustoiy said...

let’s see that what is kotatsu and why it is getting popular all around the world, especially in America? kotatsu sofa